Thursday, February 25, 2010


Thursday, February 25, 2010

"The memories that shed tears in a broken wind,
are the signs of a dream that has been wasted,
a problem with no cause seen to it,
a scent that has no root of its source
an existence deprived of the purpose
but indeed all this a poet may just see
this as a dew in this leaf that has got a soul in it."

"When life becomes a derivative of your thoughts,
think of a formula that makes you most happy,
make a feeling that gives a lot of joy,
cry for all the things that you lose,
but never repent upon all this that you do".

"Turning into a new leaf" is the new cult that defines 
the total makeover of a new man who has got respect 
                                                   for feelings and depends on his own living."

(Still: Roshan Varghese | Article: Sidharth)
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